Hot Springs

Julie Clift-Hays & Megan Savage ‘Praised and Celebrated’ for Work in Praise and Celebration

Congratulations Julie Clift-Hays, Respiratory Care Manager, and Megan Savage, Rehab Service Manager, for being named Service Heroes! Julie and Megan were praised and celebrated for their two years of serving as the chairs of the Praise and Celebration team in Hot Springs. Even after moving out of the roles officially, they’ve continued to help theView Full Post

Dawne Sokora’s Work With Moms and Babies Earns Her a Service Hero Award

Congratulations Dawne Sokora, Healthy Mom-Thriving Baby Program Manager, for being named a Hot Springs Service Hero! The Healthy Mom-Thriving Baby grant provides support and service to expectant mothers struggling with drug addictions. Over the past three years, Dawne has spent numerous hours with pregnant mothers changing outcomes for the mom, babies and families. She hasView Full Post

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