Wanda Lusk Elected ANPA District 3 Rep
Congratulations to Wanda Lusk, a nurse at the Infirmary on 4E, who was recently elected as District 3 representative for the Arkansas Nurse Practitioners Association.
The association formed in 2014 to help advocate for nurse issues throughout the state.
Wanda was part of the group that helped start the association and served on its interim board. Serving as the District 3 representative was the natural next step.
“I saw it as an opportunity. Almost everyone on the board was from outside central Arkansas. I just felt like because this is such a big group, we need someone from central Arkansas.”
Her district includes Pulaski, Perry, Saline, Lonoke and White counties.
As part of her new role, she hopes to raise awareness of the group and increase the membership among central Arkansas nurses. She will also be involved in planning the group’s state conference in April 2018.
Wanda joined CHI St. Vincent in 2010. She began working in the medical field as a lab assistant after graduating from high school.