Alan Heath Wins October DAISY Award

Daisy-October2015-AlanHeath-1Alan Heath, BSN RN, has been named the October 2015 DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses at CHI St. Vincent.

Heath is the Patient Care Coordinator on 2 Northwest Cardiovascular at CHI St. Vincent Infirmary. He’s also a member of the CHI St. Vincent Patient Care Governing Congress.

Here is an excerpt from Heath’s nomination letter written by a patient:

“This nurse has educated me on several issues resulting in my peace of mind. This nurse epitomizes the duties of a charge nurse from minor to major tasks. He performs all duties without hesitation and continuously. He is a solid bridge from the patient to the doctor. Often decisions were modified or reversed after he provided specific information to my medical team as a result of keen observation of the patient. I was close to being discharged until he interceded. I have numerous doctors and this nurse skillfully showed great leadership as a team member. This is the best charge nurse I have ever had or had to work with in the hospital.”

The DAISY Award was established by the DAISY Foundation in memory of J. Patrick Barnes who died at 33 of ITP, an auto-immune disease. The Barnes Family was awestruck by the clinical skills, caring and compassion of the nurses who cared for Patrick, so they created this national award to say thank you to nurses everywhere.

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Click here to learn more about the DAISY Award.