Donna Bates Recognized as a Service Hero at Hot Springs

Congratulations to Donna Bates, Program Coordinator for Senior Services, for being recognized as a Service Hero at Hot Springs. She put our values into action by demonstrating COMPASSION and EXCELLENCE after volunteering to deliver Meals on Wheels meals to home-bound elders when drivers weren’t available. Read a snip from her nomination:

With an open Meals on Wheels driver position since January, Donna volunteered to take on delivering meals to 68 home-bound elders and also took over delivering to 62 more elders when another driver had surgery. This selfless action continued nutritional services for over 100 individuals in their regular driver’s absence.

We know our service is life-saving because our meal recipients have told us for the past 26 years and we see the gratitude in their eyes each and every day. Donna has been involved with Meals on Wheels and Senior Centers for over 40 years; since she was 16 years old. She knows our long-time meal recipients well and they know and ask for her when they call. She knows their situations, families and needs.

Donna lives our program Mission, “Assist elders in staying in their own homes as participatory members of their communities as long as possible.”

We would not have the same positive impact on our community without her knowledge, support, involvement and drive. Coworkers like Donna allow us to extend the CHI St. Vincent Mission at the community level as a trusted and much needed healthcare partner as they return home.

Learn more about our values by reading our Mission, Vision and Values.
