Yvonne Rogers Named Service Hero in Hot Springs
Yvonne Rogers was recognized as a Service Hero in Hot Springs for displaying the value of COMPASSION.
Yvonne, RHIT, HIM Department Supervisor, was walking in the hospital when a man who had just been discharged from the ED approached her, looking for a doctor who no longer works in Hot Springs.
Yvonne led the man to HIM so they could help determine where he needed to go. When she learned he needed to go to the convenient care building, Yvonne escorted him there–in the rain!
Yvonne’s nomination thanked her “for reminding one of the members of your CHI St. Vincent Hot Springs family WHY we are here.”
No matter how busy we are, no matter what tasks seem so daunting at the time – focus on the human being in front of you! Yvonne Rogers embraced the opportunity. She not only found the answer, but she walked in the rain to ensure we did everything possible to take care of this child of God that came to us in need. God Bless Yvonne Rogers.