Auxiliary Buys Sister Mary Francis New Car

Sister Mary Franci Amanfo is currently the only nun at CHI St. Vincent Infirmary, a hospital and ministry built by sisters.

Sr. Mary Francis works as a chaplain and provides compassionate care to patients, visitors and coworkers.

Because of all her generosity to the people here, Dr. Gerry Jones was determined to make sure she has everything she needs, including a new car.

He said she was driving an old Saturn that once belonged to the hospital and it was so old that you can no longer get new parts for it.

Dr. Jones reached out to a former board member, Dave Parker, who owns Parker Lexus and asked for help. He said Parker was able to find a car at an used car auction for a great deal.

Then the Auxiliary stepped in to help.

“The St. Vincent Auxiliary was thrilled to have the opportunity to supply the funds for Sr. Mary Francis’s car. Sister has an important role in the mission of the hospital serving the patients and their families as a chaplain. The auxiliary has supported that mission since 1953,” said Wendy Saer, Auxiliary President.

Saer, Dr. Jones and a handful of other leaders were there as Sr. Mary Francis was surprised with her new car. She was so joyful she began to dance!

“Today I get to go home and when my wife says, ‘what did you do at work today’ and I can say, and it’s probably the only time I’ll be able to say this, ‘I made a nun dance,'” said Dr. Jones.

He continued to say how this hospital was founded by the sisters and although we don’t have the presence like in the past, Sr. Mary Francis is upholding the tradition!