Celebrate Coworker Appreciation Week May 11-16
There’s never been a better time to celebrate Coworker Week.
We will celebrate all our coworkers May 11-16 with events that show what it means to be St. Vincent Strong. These fun events will allow us to celebrate our coworkers and still practice social distancing.
St. Vincent Strong
Throughout the week, we will share coworkers stories about what it means to them to be St. Vincent Strong. Click here to share your story. When you share your story, you will receive a St. Vincent Strong Tshirt*, and your story may be featured in coworker emails, on digital screens in the hospital and on our social media. (*Tshirts available while supplies last.)
Monday, May 11
- Noon: A special prayer honoring our coworkers will be said at all campuses
Tuesday, May 12
- 7-10pm: St. Vincent Strong light projection at Hot Springs’ front entrance
- Superhero Mask Decorating Contest
Superhero paper masks will be available for pickup at each hospital entrance. Leftover masks will be available throughout the week. Coworkers are encouraged to decorate their masks and send a selfie wearing their masks to [email protected]. Deadline for mask submissions is Sunday, May 17. One winner will be awarded at each campus.
Wednesday, May 13
- 7-10pm: St. Vincent Strong light projection at North, on the wall across from the helipad
Thursday, May 14
- 7-10pm: St. Vincent Strong light projection at the Infirmary, near the front entrance
Friday, May 15
- Coworker Thank You
6-7:30pm: Leaders will distribute thank you cards and treats as coworkers leave / arrive during shift change - 7-10pm: St. Vincent Strong light projection at Morrilton’s front entrance
Saturday, May 16
- Noon: A special prayer honoring our coworkers will be said at all campuses
Medical Group Clinics
Thank You cards and treats will be distributed in each clinic. Medical Group coworkers will also have masks available to participate in the Superhero Mask Decorating Contest.