North’s Late-night Rounding Cures “Midnight Munchies”
We all know how important open communication between coworkers and leaders is. As Chad Aduddell is fond of saying, “Feedback is the breakfast of champions.” Sometimes, however, it can be difficult, especially with the coworkers who work overnight shifts.
That’s why Chris Stines, North president, instituted a rounding event after listening to a podcast that gave him inspiration. He calls it, “Midnight Munchies.” It gets its name not only from the podcast, but from the fact that Chris delivers snacks to the late-night coworkers as he rounds with them. “Hearing the impact those visits make on our team and to see the appreciation they have for these demonstrations of appreciation encourages me in my primary role of taking care of our employees. Our leadership team and I want to take care of our coworkers who take care of our patients who then take care of our hospital.” Chris said.
The coworkers feed off more than just the snacks, they feed off the interaction and communication with their president. One nurse said, “I have worked at a lot of hospitals, but never have I seen this!” Another charge nurse said the visit gave her and her team an uplift through a really challenging evening shift.
So if you happen to be at North in the wee hours of the morning and hear the wheels of a snack cart approaching, don’t be shocked if it’s Chris Stines, ready to feed coworkers’ mind, body and spirit.