Peggy Diaz Receives Infirmary DAISY Award
Peggy Diaz, RN in 4NW, received a DAISY Award at the Infirmary. Following is an excerpt from her nomination:
She consistently demonstrates our Core Values with our patients, their families and her coworkers. She energetically greets all who come to 4NW with her never-ending smile and willingness to help in any way. She is not timid in asking any physician for things she knows her patients need as they always come first on her list. Her patients often brag on her compassion, energy and ability to connect with them. Peggy is also a PCC, chemo certified, validator, Magnet champion and a part of our prevalence team. She is clearly a “Poster Child” for all we want our nurses to be at CHI St. Vincent and very deserving of this award.
The DAISY Award was established by the DAISY Foundation in memory of J. Patrick Barnes who died at 33 of ITP, an auto-immune disease. The Barnes Family was awestruck by the clinical skills, caring and compassion of the nurses who cared for Patrick, so they created this national award to say thank you to nurses everywhere.