RNRPs Teach Local College Students CPR at Health Fair

Infirmary RNRPs were able to trade out their learning hats for some teaching ones at a Philander Smith University’s Fall Health Wellness and Career Fair.

Hundreds of students and community members took advantage of free health screenings, flu shots, education on substance abuse, breast cancer, cervical cancer and CPR. There were also resources about financial services and caregivers.

Our RNRPs taught hands-only CPR to those who were interested.

“I hope today’s session made a positive impact and that participants who were initially nervous now feel more confident in assisting during a cardiac arrest emergency if the opportunity arises,” said Keyshawn Harris, BSN SVI RNRP.

“I am so proud of the growth these young nurses have shown. They’ve taken the knowledge they’ve gained in their short time with us to reach out to their community. Teaching these simple, yet life saving techniques like hands only CPR, especially to college students, is important,” said Brett Calcagno, BSN RN CEN Emergency Department Clinical Nurse Educator.