The Saint John’s Bible To Be Displayed in Hot Springs

The Saint John’s Bible will be moved to Hot Springs after spending two months at the Infirmary. It will be displayed Nov. 5 and through Dec. 31.

The Bible will be available for public viewing Monday through Friday, 8am-5pm, in the hospital’s front lobby.

In 1998, Saint John’s Abbey and University commissioned renowned calligrapher Donald Jackson to produce the hand-written, hand-illuminated Bible.

We are the only Catholic health system in central and south Arkansas to host The Saint John’s Bible as it tours the country. The 1,165-page Bible was written on vellum using quills, handmade inks and pigments. The 160 illuminations are gilded with gold leaf, silver leaf and platinum. The Bible is divided into seven volumes and is two feet tall by three feet wide when open.

We invite you to explore this work of art that unites an ancient Benedictine tradition with the technology and vision of today, illuminating the Word of God for a new  millennium.