You May Be Eligible for the Health Care Assistance Program

CHI’S Health Care Assistance Program has funds to help you and your family stay healthier.

Paying for doctor’s office visits, prescriptions, eyeglasses, physical therapy or other medical bills can put a strain on your family’s budget. We want to help you cover those costs. Our Health Care Assistance Program has money for you if you are a full-time employee who meets household income criteria.

We want to be sure that you know about our 2019 Health Care Assistance Program and the online application process that is available to you August 1 – September 5, 2018 on the well-being pages found on InsideCHI.

You get to choose how to use the money to stay healthy and get the care you need-medical supplies, prescription drugs, deductibles and much more. Based on your expected annual pay at CHI, we’re inviting you and many other employees to consider applying for the program starting August 1.

Your Checklist for Getting Started:

Aug. 1: Decide if you qualify: You must be a full­-time coworker (.9 FTE and above), hired before July 1, 2018, with a total household income within certain federal guidelines. You can find more details in the Health Care Assistance Program booklet available here.

Aug. 1 – Sept. 5: Apply online through the lnsideCHI well-being pages and receive an online program.

Sept. 10 – Sept. 21: Receive a program acceptance letter at your home.

Oct. 10 – Oct. 31: Sign up online for the Integrated or Standard Health Plan, as applicable, during Annual Enrollment if you are approved for the assistance program.

Jan. 1, 2019: Use your assistance account to pay your medical bills or other qualified medical expenses.

For more information:

PHONE: HR/Payroll Connection Support Center | 1-844-450-9450 | 7am – 7pm CST, Monday-Friday

Your health is about more than routine trips to your doctor – it’s about the small everyday choices you make. Those small choices can add up and make a big difference on your overall health. For helpful wellness tips and info on how to easily redeem your wellness rewards, visit