Using Our Spirituality to Rediscover Our Significance
Why Spirituality of Work Matters
Since the design and inception of Catholic Health Initiatives an explicit effort has been made to develop a culture “grounded in spirituality.” Early on, the four core values of our organization (reverence, integrity, compassion and excellence) were identified through a grass-roots process, as the hallmarks of this lived spirituality along with our Mission and Legacy.
Through recent Performance Culture Assessments (PCA), and through focus groups with coworkers across our ministry, we learned that coworkers want us to infuse our culture with new life based in spirituality. We’ve lost ground in the area of coworker engagement and our coworkers are telling us they want us to get back to the basics: to our Mission, Legacy and Core Values. They tell us spirituality is what makes CHI special and brings them to work each day.
How to Bring Spirituality of Work to Life
Bringing Spirituality of Work to life includes providing resources that can help rediscover the significance of our ordinary daily work and celebrate workplace spirituality every day. To facilitate this and in response to our coworkers, a new series of tools and resources are available. These materials help discover the connection between an individual, a workplace, and spirituality; a relationship about which little has been said or written.
These are short, multi-media resources for use in personal reflections, meetings or team building. Each month’s edition includes informational context, a short video, downloadable Guide Posts and a Discovery Journal page. Ultimately these resources create a cumulative resource library that can be accessed at any time.
We invite you as leaders to encourage your teams and colleagues to have the courage to enter into these non-denominational and welcoming opportunities. Allow yourself to enter into the deeper “why” of why you do what you do. During a meeting invite others to share, to the extent that they are comfortable, ask them to explain how they answered one of the questions on their Discovery Journal page.
We hope these tools offer insights and help each of us on this journey to not only think that our work has value, but believe it is connected to a higher purpose, part of something larger, a deeper meaning. Begin with the first set from September 28, 2017. Spend some time with them in personal reflections, meetings or with your team and see where they lead.
Where to Access Tools and Resources
To access these tools and resources, go to Inside CHI at National/National Groups/Mission/Spirituality of Work (see the link below). If you have any trouble downloading these resources, please contact [email protected]
Thank you being a companion on the journey. We look forward to the conversation, insights, wisdom and questions along the way.
Link to tools and resources on InsideCHI: