Jensen New Patient Care Technician Coordinator

vanessajensenMeet Vanessa Jensen, BSN RN, the new Patient Care Technician Coordinator at CHI St. Vincent.

Patient Care Technicians are responsible for administering direct patient care and performing any other duties deemed necessary to provide optimal patient care and physician service under the direction and supervision of the professional nurse.

Vanessa has broad clinical nursing experience in critical care nursing and perioperative areas, and most recently transitioned from the Cerner Clinical Informatics department.

Since starting her new role on February 1, 2016, Vanessa has scheduled more than 40 interviews between PCTs/MHTs with nurse managers which has already resulted in full-time and part-time PCT/MHT new hires! Vanessa has hit the ground running and has lots of enthusiasm in hiring PCT/MHT to fill the needs of our patient care departments.

Vanessa’s office is located on the first floor of CHI St. Vincent Infirmary in the Clinical Education area.