Bertie Swaim Celebrated as Service Hero

Congratulations Bertie Swaim, Cardiology, for being named a Hot Springs Service Hero!

Bertie recently moved to Cardiology after working in Human Resources for decades, and her nomination was for her work in HR.

The Education group nominated Bertie for displaying Reverence and Excellence.  

They said while they were working on onboarding over 200 students for clinicals, they had to call Bertie multiple times each day over the period of a month. With every interaction, she was caring and showed professional courtesy all while giving her full attention.

“Bertie consistently displays a strong and admirable work ethic.  She is always engaged and makes sure our student data is current.”

Last month they needed to review 1,400 student records to verify whether their accounts were active or inactive. The team said Bertie was instrumental in making sure all the data that they reported was 100% accurate.