Clinical Ladder Session 1 Dates Set for Central Arkansas

Central Arkansas nurses are encouraged to mark their calendars for Session 1 Clinical Ladder dates.
The Session 1 dates are April 1–Sept. 30. Portfolios are due on Friday, Oct. 16 at 4pm.
The clinical ladder is a structured system to provide nurses’ career advancement while remaining in the clinical setting, providing direct patient care. It is used to recognize professional development and differentiates levels of nursing expertise and contribution.
Important upcoming dates:
- Oct. 16, 4pm: Portfolios due
- Oct. 22: Portfolios reviewed by Clinical Ladder Panel
- November: Notification letters mailed to coworkers
- Dec. 16, 4pm: 30-day appeals period ends
- Dec. 17: Portfolios available for pickup
- Jan. 6, 4pm: Deadline to pick up portfolios
- January: Differential begins in first full pay period
- Late January: Recognition and celebrations
For more information, visit the Insider. Under the Departments drop down, click Education, then Clinical Ladder.
Clinical Ladder Champions
Clinical Ladder Champions serve as a resource for nurses working on their portfolios and encourage involvement in the Clinical Ladder Program. To become a champion or to learn more, contact Betsy Hughes, BSN RN, at ext. 3754 or [email protected].