Congrats Jared Rodgers, Infirmary Service Hero

Congratulations Jared Rodgers, Care Coordination, for being named an Infirmary service hero!

Jared was nominated for displaying the values of excellence and inclusion.

Jared had a Hindu patient that had passed away, and the family wanted to complete a common practice ritual prior to moving the patient to the funeral home.

Jared worked hard to transition the patient home in order for the ritual to take place, but was unable to do so due to financial barriers. The family appeared defeated in that the patient would have to go to the funeral home without the ritual.

To support the family, Jared coordinated for the ritual to take place at the bedside in the hospital. A requirement was to have clean, unused sheets. Jared searched the hospital high and low to secure this requirement, but was unsuccessful. He offered to purchase sheets from Target, but the family declined and was okay with using clean sheets from our hospital.

Because of Jared’s compassion and grit, the family was able to find peace in fulfilling the ritual prior to the funeral home transition.

“Our Care Coordination department is proud and blessed to have a wonderful coworker.”