Connie Spinks Named Service Hero at North

Connie Spinks was named a Service Hero at North for displaying the value of EXCELLENCE.

Connie has taken on several responsibilities outside of her job description, including creating a system and providing staffing in the PAT to see patients in a timely manner.

After implementing the new system, the patient wait time dropped from more than an hour to less than 15 minutes in less than one week.

Connie is also to “go-between” for multiple departments daily to ensure smooth patient flow.  She communicates the call schedule to all involved departments.

It has been noted that anytime anyone requires any assistance from Connie she is readily available without any hesitation.

Connie has also assisted the nursing staff in making sure the rooms are available and ready for PACU patients in a timely manner, and she has been instrumental in the coordination of staff training prior to and since ANI moved to North.