Crissy “Nikki” Wood Named Hot Springs Service Hero
Nikki Wood was named Service Hero at Hot Springs for displaying the value of COMPASSION.
We are here to serve all our patients and each other, but let’s face it, some patients are easier to care for than others. Whether it be their condition or their demeanor, no two patients are the same. While Nikki is an advocate for all her patients, she really excels at serving patients that some may find for challenging. She seemed to have a connection with one such challenging patient and was able to get them to eat, take their medication and even get them to the bathroom when other nurses seemed to have difficulty getting this patient to respond.
Nikki is eager to lend a hand to anyone in need and has a heart of gold. She is truly the kind of coworker that it’s a joy to work beside, explains the coworker that nominated her,
“She is a very special person and a true friend. We would be lost without her. She’s the true meaning of our core values.”
Way to go Nikki! #CHILivingOurMission