In Season Veggies to Boost Your Health

spring vegetablesSpring has arrived and with it seasonal veggies. In Arkansas beets, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, chard, collards, green beans, kale, leeks, oregano, parsley, radishes and spinach are in season and are great for light and healthy meals.

Make a seasonal salad, and top it with a lean protein, like grilled salmon or chopped nuts. Instead of a tortilla, roll your sandwich filling up in a large lettuce leaf.

Go vegetarian for one meal: According to My Plate, the food guide from the USDA, beans and peas can count as protein foods or vegetables, so use them to make vegetarian versions of your favorite dishes.

Add whole grains: Add cooked, chilled brown rice to your leafy greens and chopped vegetables for a fiber-rich cold salad. Mix lima beans, corn, chopped garlic and onions into cooked barley for a delicious hot side.