PCA Week 1 Drawings for Travs, Magic Springs Tickets

week1drawingsHelp your department reach 50 percent participation by Monday, May 9 in the Performance Culture Assessment (PCA) and you can become eligible for Arkansas Travelers suite tickets and Magic Springs passes.

If you’re department has 50 percent participation by May 9, you’ll be entered into the drawing. We’re giving away:

  • Five (5) nights with the Arkansas Travelers. This includes 15 tickets with access to a suite for a future game.
  • Five (5) sets of four Magic Springs general admission passes.

If you haven’t completed the survey, there’s still time to be included in the drawing. Your opinion matters and we need to hear from you.

The Performance Culture Assessment is your confidential opportunity to tell leaders how we can improve and what is working well.

Complete the PCA before the May 16 deadline please – for a better CHI St. Vincent and for a chance to win a prize if your department has 50 percent participation.

Additional prizes will be awarded after the survey closes on May 16.

Click here  for more details.