Healthy Spirit

2017 Healthy Challenges Announced for January

Start the New Year off healthier and happier! The Healthy Spirit team has coordinated challenges in Little Rock (with D1) and in Hot Springs to help coworkers achieve their health goals in 2017. Initial weigh-in start on Jan. 2. So register now for D1 (located in West Little Rock) or at Hot Springs through ShannonView Full Post

Produce Market to Launch at Infirmary

It’s summer and the fruits and veggies are plentiful. To celebrate, the Healthy Spirit champions team is launching a trial of a Produce Market. Friday, July 8 10:30am-5pm (or while supplies last) Infirmary Cafeteria Coworkers can use their badge swipe and payroll deduction. The selection will include organic and local produce (in season) as wellView Full Post

Nutrition Month Games: Get In To Win

We’re celebrating National Nutrition Month at CHI St. Vincent with two games and a chance to win one of 20 CHI St. Vincent Healthy Spirit water bottles. Savor the flavor by Decoding the Secret Message or completing the Vegetable Word Search for Adults. Click here to download Decode the Secret Message.       Click hereView Full Post

Healthy Spirit: Hot Springs Co-workers Run Spa City

Despite cold and rainy conditions, more than 80 CHI St. Vincent Hot Springs co-workers took part in the Spa Running Festival held Saturday, Nov. 21, in downtown Hot Springs. CHI St. Vincent provided team shirts to all of our Hot Springs co-workers who participated. Click here to see more photos from the event.

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