Arkansas Gives: Leah Elliott’s Story

LeahCHI St. Vincent is celebrating 20 years of New Outlook Cancer Recovery Program. And you can give more to New Outlook when you give on Thursday, April 7, as CHI St. Vincent participates in Arkansas Gives.

In recognition of our milestone, we are participating in Arkansas Gives – a one-day online giving event supporting favorite charities in Arkansas. You can show your appreciation for New Outlook by logging on to on Thursday, April 7, between 8 am and 8 pm, and selecting CHI St. Vincent as the recipient of your gift.

Leah Elliott crossed paths with New Outlook after learning she had ovarian cancer at 35-years-old.

“Having a place to go, someone to talk to and knowing you aren’t alone is vital to a cancer patient. New Outlook provided me with many resources. I was given a wig of my choice, sleeping caps, books for my children, participated in the ‘Look Good Feel Good’ program, attended a Mindfulness Seminar and, most importantly, gained a support structure I still lean on today,” Elliott said. “New Outlook is not focused on one specific cancer. Alesa [Garner] is knowledgeable on numerous cancers, especially on the ones you don’t hear about much. What a tremendous asset she and the program are to our state. Not only do I rely on the program personally, I regularly refer people on a professional basis.

“I firmly believe if you have a cancer diagnosis, whether you are in treatment, remission or another stage, New Outlook should be integrated into your plan of care.”

New Outlook is sustained through donations. Thank you for helping us provide counseling and support to Arkansas men, women and children impacted by cancer. All proceeds received through Arkansas Gives on April 7 will support New Outlook. Plus, every donation received qualifies CHI St. Vincent for bonus dollars through a matching program, so all gifts, regardless of size, will help us continue our healing ministry.

Learn more about Arkansas Gives and read more New Outlook stories at