Black-eyed Peas are the January Harvest of the Month

This month’s Harvest is an integral component of a good-luck-dish served on New Year’s Day in the Southern United States. Black-eyed peas are a legume that was originally cultivated in West Africa and has a texture similar to other beans. It is a tradition to serve a black-eyed pea dish on New Year’s Day to bring “good fortune” in the New Year.
During the month of January, you may find black-eyed peas used more abundantly in a variety of recipes from our cafeterias.
Did You Know?
- One of the most popular music groups of the early 2000s is named after this legume.
- Black-eyed peas are also called cow peas.
- In the United States, California is the largest producer of black-eyed peas.
Try These Delicious Recipes
Black-eyed Pea Soup
Black-eyed Pea Salad
Black-eyed Peas and Rice
How to Buy, Store & Prepare: Like most legumes, black-eyed peas are typically sold canned or dried. Both varieties are wildly cost effective compared to most other sources of protein. Dried black-eyed peas are great to keep as a pantry staple, due to their long shelf life of 2-3 years.
Making it Kid-Friendly: New foods can be more easily accepted by kids if they’re associated with traditions and holidays. If your kids are new to black-eyed peas, consider introducing them for the first time during your family’s New Year celebration.
Nutrition and Health Benefits: Black-eyed peas are very rich in a B-vitamin called folate. Folate is particularly important to women of childbearing age. Having an adequate intake of folate prevents spina bifida and other neural tube defects during the first few weeks of gestation. For women, a half cup of black-eyed peas will meet nearly half of the recommended amount of folate for a day. Black-eyed peas are also an excellent source of fiber. A diet rich in fiber can also help aid in weight management. Carbohydrate sources that contain fiber have a longer gastric emptying time than simple carbohydrates, and therefore keep us fuller longer and can help prevent us from overeating.
Calories: 99 | Fiber: 6g |
Total Fat: 0g | Protein: 71g |
Total Carbohydrate: 18g |