Carrie Talburt Recognized as a Service Hero at West
Congratulations to Carrie Talburt, Imaging Supervisor, for being recognized as a Service Hero at West. She put our values into action by demonstrating EXCELLENCE after going above and beyond her duties when she noticed a MRI magnet was overheating and needed to be repaired. Read a snip from her nomination:
One day Carrie Talburt, Imaging Supervisor at CHI St. Vincent West, noticed that the generator that cools the MRI magnet was giving error messages. She immediately called engineering to notify them of the error. Neil Gaiser gave approval for after-hours repair, but had no one to assist with the repair. The company that maintains the generator was called and came out to trouble shoot. They found they would have to get another company involved from Hot Springs. Carrie knew that someone needed to pay close attention to the temperature or the magnet would quench which would do irreparable damage to the magnet, and expend all the cooling agents (cryogens). If that happened, the cost to the system would be well over $100,000 and a potential loss revenue for the system. Carrie stayed and monitored the generator until close to midnight when the parts were delivered and installed by the third party vendor. She did this voluntarily. Although this is not direct patient care related, Carrie exhibited the care and concern for the equipment she has to use daily and not say “well it is not my job to stay and monitor.” She always goes above and beyond regardless of the task.
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