COVID-19 Boosters Available for Coworkers

The COVID-19 Booster is now available to coworkers at the Infirmary, Hot Springs and North.

The Infirmary will offer boosters on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the main auditorium until Thursday, Oct. 21. Boosters will be given on Tuesdays from 11am to 2pm and on Thursdays from 7-11am. No appointment is required.

Hot Springs will offer booster shots to coworkers Monday-Friday, from 7am to 3:30pm, in Employee Health. No appointment is required.

North will offer COVID boosters and flu shots on the following dates:

  • Thursday, Sept. 30, 6-8am and 2-4pm
  • Friday, Oct. 1, 6-8am and 1-3pm
  • Monday, Oct. 4, 6-8am and 1-3pm
  • Tuesday, Oct. 5, 6-8am
  • Wednesday, Oct. 6, 6-8am and 1-3pm
  • Thursday, Oct. 7, 6-8am

Coworkers should bring their vaccination cards so they can be updated. There will be no charge for the booster.

The FDA approved the use of COVID-19 booster shots for anyone who has been fully vaccinated at least six months and who is 65 years or older or at risk, which includes healthcare workers.