Earn $50 with Healthy Spirit’s “Quench” Challenge

Quench thirstAre you hydrated? Sign up for the Quench Your Spirit Challenge and learn new tips to increase your water intake. Registration for the challenge is now open!

The Quench Your Spirit Challenge begins on June 6th and runs for four weeks.

To earn credit for the challenge, all you need to do is drink at least 64 ounces of water per day and log your servings on the wellness website at least two times per week during the challenge. If you complete the challenge, you will earn a $50 health account contribution (if you have not already met your $300 maximum).

Did you know that 60% of your body is composed of water? Your brain is 70% to 80% water. So if you’re dehydrated, your body and mind can become stressed. Drinking enough water will help you burn more calories and have more energy. And your skin will look years younger. The Quench Your Spirit Challenge is designed to make you more aware of your water intake.

Join your colleagues by clicking the purple “sign-up” button and selecting “Hydration Heroes.” Track your water intake with the “Water Tracker” on your dashboard.

Look for this:
Quench button

Questions? Contact Tanekia Lewis, CHI St. Vincent’s Healthy Spirit Champion, at [email protected].