Hats Off to Brittany Rayburn for Being January’s Chick-fil-A Award Winner

Brittany Rayburn, CVICU nurse, was named the January Chick-fil-A Humankindness winner for her “selfless acts of compassion and kindness.” Even though Brittany has only been working in CVICU for a short time, she has continuously displayed compassionate care to all she comes in contact with.

Recently, a patient was admitted from an outside facility who had lost her hair due to cancer. Brittany was not her primary nurse, but she assisted in getting her settled into CVICU. Even though she had only interacted with the patient briefly, the next night she brought the patient a crocheted hat she had made just for her.

“This gives a tiny glimpse into the type of nurse Brittany is. She explained to me that she crochets to soothe her ADD, but I know that she does great acts like this one because she truly cares for everyone that she comes in contact with. I would like to recognize Brittany Raburn and let her know that her selfless acts of compassion and kindness do not go unnoticed. I am thankful that she is a part of the St. Vincent team,” writes her nominator.