Lani Lovell Named Hot Springs Service Hero

Lani Lovell was recognized as a Service Hero at Hot Springs for displaying the value of COMPASSION.

A patient was recently admitted to the ICU with injuries related to a fall in her home as well as other health issues. The same morning she was admitted her husband died trying to get her help; he was unable to assist her due to his health. Not only was this patient dealing with the physical health concerns but also a broken heart. 

Lani and the team members of the ICU went down to the gift shop and bought her a card that the SICU signed, along with a small stuffed animal and balloons. The SICU coworkers entered the patient room and presented the card, stuffed animal and balloons to the patient. Each SICU nurse gave the patient a hug and the chaplain prayed over the patient. This was team work from all the SICU coworkers that Lani helped coordinate.

Lani demonstrated true compassion and excellence by going above and beyond what was required and displayed true holistic care treating the patient’s physical, emotional and spiritual needs. True compassion leads to action and that compassion was in action this day in the ICU.