Care for Caregivers Offers Tools for Support

A new online resource for coworkers offers support, practical tools and meaningful connection to help with the pressures and natural challenges caregivers encounter.

Care for Caregivers is built on our values and specific to the challenges we encounter in our caregiving roles. There are online sessions on grief, resiliency, hope and more. There are also live support sessions, where you can share your experiences or listen to others share theirs as you find support and connection.

Learn more about the Care for Caregivers program during one of the upcoming informational sessions. Click on the date to sign up to attend:

Wednesday, April 21
Tuesday, May 4
Monday, May 17

Care for Caregivers is available in Knowledge Hub. To access the site, visit the Insider and click on the Growth tab at the top; click on My Knowledge Hub then search “Care for Caregivers.”

This resource is available to all coworkers across the ministry. Try it anytime you need support to meet the challenges you encounter.

For more information, reach out to [email protected].