New Insider & Policy Platform Launches
A new version of the Insider (coworker intranet) launched on Monday, March 5, making it easier to find the information you need. A new policy platform also launched in tandem with the Insider.
Most of the content and links from the old Insider will be found on the new site — but in an easier-to-use format. The new Insider includes a menu along the top with important information, including a tab for departments as well as tabs for Living Our Mission, Growth, Rewards, Well-being and Spirituality.
A search button on the homepage allows users to search the site for information they need.
A master calendar at the bottom of the homepage shows upcoming events and allows users to submit an item for the calendar.
The biggest changes to the new Insider? Coworkers now log in to the Insider using their CHI St. Vincent password. This will allow the Insider to be customized for each user, such as pulling their most frequently used links to the “My Links” section on the homepage.
Policies will also have its own tab at the top of the Insider. The new policy platform makes it easy to search and find policies using advanced keyword searches. For example, want to read the new Tobacco Free Workplace policy? Just search “tobacco.”
The new policy platform also creates a streamlined system to create, approve and review policies.
Questions? Contact [email protected].