Of Note: Compliance & Ethics Week

Annually, CHI St. Vincent celebrates Corporate Compliance and Ethics Week to promote awareness of compliance and celebrate the valuable contributions of our entire workforce in fulfilling our compliance obligations.  With the complex regulations governing health care, maintaining an effective compliance program at CHI St. Vincent relies on the entire team to foster ethical behavior and operational accountability.  Just like the popular cliché, “There is no I in team,” we must work together to produce good results.

Three employee questions were included as part of the Corporate Responsibility Program’s FY’18 annual education process that concluded on March 30, 2018.  The questions were designed to gauge employee willingness to express compliance concerns and identify improvements.  Approximately 60% or 54,013 employees of CHI’s total employee population completed the survey and most responded that they are comfortable bringing forth compliance concerns and believe that they would be investigated and resolved.

For that, we thank all of you.  Understanding and complying with the laws, regulations, and policies that impact the work that we do can be a confusing endeavor.  Your willingness to bring forth compliance concerns shows that you care about doing the right thing and that you share CHI’s Core Values of Respect, Integrity, Compassion, and Excellence.

If you have questions or need further information, contact your Corporate Responsibility Team for assistance.

  • Eddie Davis, Corporate Responsibility Officer, 501.552.3941
  • Becky Cordell, Associate Corporate Responsibility Officer, 501.622.2349
  • Susan Stine, Regional Privacy Officer, 501.552.3559