Olivia Diaz Named DAISY Winner for Comforting Grieving Parents

Congratulations Olivia Diaz, RN, for being named a DAISY Award winner. She was nominated by a patient for being compassionate, comforting and kind after a heartbreaking loss and procedure.

“If you have ever experienced any type of loss you know that it changes you forever.”

The patient described the day the doctor informed her and her husband that their baby did not have a heartbeat. She said she went home in shock and pain over the loss. After a few days of grieving, they called to schedule a dilation and curettage (D&C) procedure.

She said that everyone was so kind, but when she arrived in the phase 2 recovery area after the surgery, she met Olivia.

“I clearly remember her sweet smile and calming presence the moment she walked in. I’m not sure if it was the anesthesia or just my hormones, but I immediately burst out in tears and could not control myself. She immediately reached over and comforted me. I reached over and asked her if I could have a hug, she leaned over and said absolutely, I felt like I cried on her shoulder forever. She told me that she was here to help me in any way she could, she then told me something that has stuck with me, not to apologize because there is no right way to grieve: there is only your way to grieve and that is different for everyone. After all of this she reached over and looked me in the eyes and said I am so sorry for your loss. This was the first time today that someone had acknowledged the great loss of life that I had just experienced.”

Olivia then explained to the patient and her husband what services the hospital offered and the memory box they could take home. The patient said they were moved to tears when Olivia brought the box.

It was the most beautiful baby blue box with the most beautiful red cardinal sitting on a bed of baby’s breath and forget-me-nots. Inside we found the most touching poem and pendant but the most precious of them all was a tiny camo hat and blanket. I knew then that this was a sign that my brother in heaven was watching over my little baby, his favorite colors were camo, and cardinals were his favorite bird. This brought me so much peace.”

The patient said they hope that everyone has an Olivia in their life that brings them hope and comfort in times of pain and sadness.