Purchase Tax Preparation Software at a Discounted Price
We recognize that your total well-being is made of more than just your physical health.
How you feel about your finances can have an effect on how you feel about your life. We want you to feel financially secure today and be confident about your future goals. One way our discount program can help is by giving you the opportunity to purchase tax preparation software at a discounted price. Avoid the stress of gathering receipts and filling out forms at the last minute. The tax software helps you sync your online paystubs and bank statements. It’s a great way to preserve one of your most valuable resources: your time.
You have goals for yourself and your family this year and we want to help you achieve those while caring for your budget at the same time. Whether you’re new to the program or a frequent visitor, now is a great time to see how our discount program helps you imagine your best self. And don’t forget that with every purchase you make through our discount program, you earn WOWPoints.
Visit the Discount Program page on the well-being pages on InsideCHI to learn more and start saving today.