Rajamani Subbiah Wins Service Hero Award

Congratulations Rajamani Subbiah, Physical Therapist, for being presented the Hot Springs Service Hero award!
Raj was nominated by a coworker for this award.
The coworker said they were asked for assistance in getting a patient in the Emergency Department admitted to Encompass at 4pm.
The Encompass liaison did the evaluations, but a PT evaluation was also needed to complete the referral.
Unfortunately, the therapy team had already left for the day.
The coworker let the ED doctor know that the patient may have to stay overnight for observation. However, when they went back to the ED at 5pm, Raj had returned and assessed the patient! The patient could now be admitted to Encompass.
“This coworker’s willingness to help in this situation was outstanding, very few would come back in after they had left for the day and help in this situation. This represents excellence, stewardship of company resources and just being a GREAT Team player.“
The coworker was so thankful for Raj who is always willing to help out when a need arises!