Ronnie Ripple Named Service Hero at North

Ronnie Ripple was named a Service Hero for displaying the values of COMPASSION.

Ronnie, a nurse at North, was nominated by his coworkers for the kindness he showed a patient going through a difficult time.

Ronnie was caring for a young man who had many challenges and little support from family and friends. Ronnie noticed the patient’s challenges, including recently being diagnosed as diabetic, and that he had an inadequate understanding of the dietary requirements and insulin usage. All of this resulted in several visits to the hospital. 

Ronnie took the time to teach this patient about diabetic dietary control and insulin requirements. While doing this Ronnie noticed that this young man had no shoes. Ronnie used his own money to purchase the patient a nice pair of shoes. The patient was extremely grateful for the acts of kindness shown to him by Ronnie.

With the education Ronnie provided, his patient can now recognize the warning signs and control his diabetes. Ronnie saw this patient as a human being, made in God’s image and worthy of respect and dignity. Purchasing the shoes was an act of restoring dignity to the patient.