Stephanie Taylor Recognized with Infirmary DAISY Award

Stephanie Taylor, RN, who works in the Infirmary’s Geriatric Psych unit, was recognized with a DAISY Award for the care and attention to detail she provides her patients.
Stephanie was nominated by a patient’s daughter who was calling to check on her father’s chloride and sodium levels, which had been running critically low.
When she called to ask about the levels, they were reported to her incorrectly, and she became very concerned. The patient’s daughter called Stephanie, who immediately told her the correct levels.
In addition, Stephanie also found her father’s belongings, which had not been transferred from his previous unit.
“Thank you for going the EXTRA mile. The 7th floor is difficult. She keeps it together!”
The DAISY Award was established by the DAISY Foundation in memory of J. Patrick Barnes who died at 33 of ITP, an auto-immune disease. The Barnes Family was awestruck by the clinical skills, caring and compassion of the nurses who cared for Patrick, so they created the national award to thank nurses everywhere.