Information Technology Team Recognized as Service Hero for Medical Group
Congratulations to the Information Technology (IT) Team for being recognized as a Service Hero for the Medical Group. They put our values into action by demonstrating EXCELLENCE after working together to transition to a new practice management system and merge three databases into one. Read a snip from their nomination below:
After the transition, when rounding in the clinics, I heard about the provider’s frustrations, as expected, but I also got to hear about how responsive and incredible our team was. Misty Nichols was incredibly helpful in going directly to the provider and walking them through their issue step-by-step. Gwynn Morrison was always calm, listened and then followed through when a user called the help desk. Andrew Kumpuris took the time to take hardware or himself to the clinic to get them back online. Paula Bobbitt worked with our consultant, Chris Ion, to create a log that would keep the issues organized and the statuses well known.
Learn more about our values by reading our Mission, Vision and Values.