Tanekia Lewis Becomes Healthy Spirit Champion
She’s a familiar face at the Infirmary in Employee Health and she also has an expanded role as CHI St. Vincent’s Champion for Healthy Spirit.
Tanekia Lewis can be reached via email or at 501-552-3697. She’s coordinating a new team of Healthy Spirit Champions for the system as well.
Watch for ongoing promotions as they “pop up” throughout our campuses. We’ll be giving healthy nudges to drink more water, take the stairs, and reduce stress. Watch for new challenges and other fun.
You can always access the Healthy Spirit website (chalk full of inspiration) by clicking the links at the top of OneSpirit blog or the Insider.
Another great resource for everyone is from our Food and Nutrition partner, Sodexo: https://mindful.sodexo.com/
Watch for more “Mindful” promotions in our cafeterias as we begin 2016 in the spirit of healthier choices.