Our Vision Benefits Are Expanding in 2019

Healthy eyes are crucial to your well-being, which is why we’re expanding our vision coverage to make it easier to get the preventive care and eyewear you need.

Here are three things you need to know for 2019 vision plan:

1: Annual eye exams will have a $0 co-pay.

Critical to safeguarding sight and overall wellness, annual eye exams can detect early signs of diseases, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. These exams will have a zero-dollar co-pay effective January 1, 2019, when you see an in-network provider.

2: The frame allowance is moving to a yearly schedule.

Vision care is different than health care because eyewear isn’t just a must-have for health for many people. To offer a vision benefit that provides choice, the $150 frame allowance frequency is moving to every 12 months in 2019; the current frame allowance is $150 every 24 months.

3: The flexibility to choose from a variety of providers remains.

The network will continue to offer a mix of independent and retail providers, including large, small, local, national and online options. With a blend of 80 percent independent and 20 percent retail providers, this mix allows members to stay in network 98 percent of the time.

Learn more about your vision benefits by visiting the well-being pages found on InsideCHI. Once you’re there, choose “Vision Plan” from the “Health Care” drop-down menu.