Aniya Bonds Recognized with Honey Bee Award

Aniya Bonds, a patient tech on 4W at the Infirmary, is the latest recipient of the Honey Bee Award. The award recognizes an outstanding non-licensed nursing care team member (PCT, MHT).
Aniya was nominated by a patient’s wife who appreciated the great care and attention she gave.
“She has repeatedly stopped by my husband’s room to make sure he was ok. She was bringing ice water, blankets and just stopping to offer a smile and bring some cheer to an otherwise stressful situation. She is an amazing young lady and her spirit, smile and compassion have made this hospital stay bearable.”
The Honey Bee Award is awarded to non-licensed nursing care team members who go above and beyond their normal duties, inspire others in a positive manner, are excellent team members and demonstrate our core values of Integrity, Inclusion, Compassion, Collaboration and Excellence.