Christy Ross Named Service Hero at Infirmary

Christy Ross, an echo technologist at the Infirmary, was named a Service Hero for displaying the value of COMPASSION.
Christy was nominated for the kindness she showed a TAVR patient who had traveled alone by bus to the Infirmary for his 30-day appointment.
The elderly man had ridden on the bus for an hour and a half when he arrived at the Infirmary around 11am for his 1pm appointment.
The patient could stand but was limited in his walking ability, and he was clearly exhausted from his trip.
Christy realized that the elderly gentleman would be waiting in our department for a while with a long bus ride back home with no lunch.
When she asked the patient if he was hungry, he replied, “I’m starving.”
The department no longer receives meal tickets for those in need, and the peanut butter and crackers that are available was not acceptable to Christy.
Instead, she went to the cafeteria and bough the patient lunch with her own money. The patient never knew she has used her own money.
“She did this out of the kindness of her heart and deserves the praise!”