Clinical Chemistry Autoverification
The CHI St Vincent Infirmary laboratory went live with autoverification on July 6, 2016. Autoverification is a process of using computer-based rules to verify clinical laboratory test results without manual intervention.
The autoverification process adds operational efficiencies, removes subjectivity, and improves consistency of reporting. This process improvement leads to a reduction of errors and improved quality.
The computer-based rules allows tests within normal ranges to auto verify and release to the electronic health record. The Medical Laboratory Scientists and Medical Laboratory Technicians can shift their focus to held results, which are abnormal, critical, or require further evaluation based on the established protocol. The implementation process must meet rigorous accreditation standards with annual review to uphold the integrity. Along with Chemistry, CHI St Vincent Infirmary previously added autoverification in Coagulation and Urinalysis.
Pictured left to right: Paula Dick, Operations Coordinator; Joshua Coffield, LIS Coordinator; Kelino Lee, Chemistry Lead; and Bobby Abbott, Market Director, Laboratory Services.