Sylvia Phillips Named Service Hero in Hot Springs

Sylvia Phillips was recognized as a Hot Springs Service Hero for displaying the value of EXCELLENCE and COMPASSION.
She was nominated by a coworker who has witnessed the care she provides to all the hospital’s new hires.
“She somehow finds it within herself to open her heart to every new coworker that comes through the door. This coworker shows all new coworkers how we are a family that takes care of one another.
Some may dismiss this as being part of her job description since she orients new hires, but it is not in her job description to be working late at night to ensure everything is perfect to give new hires a good experience or to connect new hires to community resources or pay out of her pocket to help new coworkers buy scrubs, gas or food.“
Sylvia Phillips believes in the mission and goes above and beyond to live that out every day.