Valuable Service Comes to Hot Springs Patients and Coworkers

Did you know that the CDC reports that 20-30% of discharge medications are never filled by patients? And about 50% of patients cannot recall discharge orders; and of those 70% will likely be readmitted?

Now, thanks to Smith Drug and Compounding and some incredible work by numerous Hot Springs administrative staff and coworkers, that doesn’t have to be the case for our Hot Springs patients. We have partnered with Smith Drug and Compounding to offer a Meds-to-Bed program in Hot Springs.

Now patients that participate in the program can go directly home from the hospital with their medications in hand. No more need to make an extra stop on the way home to fill medications. A pharmacist delivers their medications to their room the day of discharge and answers any medication-related questions the patient may have.

Prescriptions MUST be sent by 3:30pm for bedside delivery~

Any patient that has discharge medications can choose to participate in the Meds-to-Bed program. Patients will pay for medications when they are delivered to their room just as they would at any pharmacy. Most insurance plans are accepted or the patient can pay with cash, check or credit/debit card.

When entering medications into EPIC for patients wishing to participate in the Meds-to-Bed program, coworkers must select Smith Drug and Compounding #2, 1 Mercy Lane as the pharmacy.

The CDC reports that 20-30% of discharge medications are never filled by patients?

So how does this help coworkers? Well, other than providing a great service for our patients, it also means there is a full-service pharmacy on campus, so if any coworker needs a prescription filled, or any over-the-counter pharmaceutical needs, there’s no need to make a stop after a long shift. Just run down to Smith Drug and Compounding (bottom floor of the MOB) and get what you need. It’s that simple.

Job well done to all who made this a reality! Our Hot Springs patients and coworkers thank you!