Dr. Floyd Named Service Hero in Hot Springs

Dr. Janelle Floyd, a pediatrician in Hot Springs, was named a Service Hero for displaying the value of COMPASSION.
Dr. Floyd was nominated by a patient, who was planning to adopt newborn twins out of state. The patient wanted to meet with Dr. Floyd prior to their birth, and she welcomed them into her clinic, answering their many questions.
“We weren’t even her patients yet, and she treated us like we knew each other for a long time. She was so kind, patient, and respectful to our process. She noted the hospital where the twins would be born, and she committed to research local pediatricians around that out of state hospital so we could take the twins for follow up care before we returned home to Arkansas.”
True to her word, Dr. Floyd researched and recommended two pediatricians in the area where the babies would be born.
“When we returned home, she welcomed us right back in as her official patients. We picked up right where we left off several months earlier, and she already knew their adoption story. This care was certainly above and beyond. We are so grateful that we chose Dr. Floyd as the twins’ doctor.”