Learn About the Weight Loss Challenge Kit During Monthly Well-being Meeting

Kick start your healthier lifestyle with the Weight Loss Challenge Toolkit.

The toolkit will be rolled out to coworkers during the monthly Well-being meeting.

Coworkers have three chances to join a Zoom meeting to learn more about the toolkit, which takes a team-based approach to weight loss. Chris O’Dwyer with Arkansas Health Network share how a lifestyle changed sparked his weight loss journey.

Weight Loss Challenge Toolkit

Tuesday, Feb. 22, 8-9am: click here
Wednesday, Feb. 23, 1-2pm: click here
Thursday, Feb. 24, 10-11am: click here

Those participating in the Healthy Habits Quarterly Rewards Program can mark one activity off on your card by attending one of these meetings. Participants will receive a free well-being Tshirt by completing just five activities on your card.

Haven’t started on your quarterly rewards program yet? It’s not too late. Click here to learn more about the program.