Chae Brewer Named Service Hero at Hot Springs

Chae Brewer, a nurse manager on 2W in Hot Springs, was named a Service Hero for displaying the value of EXCELLENCE.
Chae was nominated by a coworker who praised her skill as a nurse and her commitment to her team and patients.
“Chae always displays excellence and is an incredibly gifted nurse. She understands throughput, flow and, more importantly, how critical it is to get patients to their appropriate level of care.”
She strives for excellence but is also filled with compassion. “Chae has always been willing to jump in and get patients, transfer patients, admit patients or just take care of patients. She is a great team player.”
Recently, Chae volunteered to help transfer ER patients that were waiting on a bed. Fast forward a few hours later, and Chae helped the ICU transfer a patient to her own floor so that surgery patients can be admitted to ICU.
“Chae does not complain and has a tremendous work ethic. She is selfless and sets an incredible example of ‘patients come first’ for her team and others to see.”