Hot Springs Nurses Experience a Mission REset

This year the Hot Springs Annual Nursing Skills Fair was redesigned by Shared Governance and nursing leadership with the purpose of communicating more effectively. The primary goal was to improve quality, safety and patient experience. The theme was Mission REset: Escape Room and began with Bryan Williams, DNP, MBA, RN, NE-BC, Hot Springs CNO/Market VP of Patient Care Services, explaining the importance of the skills fair topics and the path to nursing excellence.

The general session was followed by small group rotations through interactive skills stations in separate rooms where each group had to perform the correct actions to “escape” the room. The fair finished off with REsearch and REfreshments where participants received information about research and participated in a mock research study of hot dogs vs. corn dogs. Congratulations to the corn dog team for a close win with 53% of the votes! The experience received rave reviews with 361 votes for “Excellent”, 14 votes for “Good”, and 1 vote for “Needs Improvement”.

Click here to see all Mission REset pics.