Hot Springs Volunteers Give Gift of Warmth

The volunteers at Hot Springs have donated hand-made approximately 25 blankets to the Cooper-Anthony Mercy Child Advocacy Center, and more are in the works. Every child receives their own special blanket after they undergo their initial interview and medical exam. The term “security blanket” takes on a whole new meaning with these children and CAMCAC appreciates the blanket donations and are blessed to be able to give the children such a loving gift.

The Cooper-Anthony Mercy Child Advocacy Center (CAMCAC) helps bring justice and healing to children who are victims of child abuse. Law enforcement investigators, forensic interviewers, forensic nurse examiners, medical providers, child advocates and mental health counselors come together at the center, so the abuse victim is spared the stress of having to go to an emergency room, police station or other unfamiliar location to tell their story. The sensitive, centralized approach reduces the risk of further traumatizing the child and services provided help heal the child from the unimaginable abuse that they have endured.